With Autumn in full force and the end of Daylight Saving time fast approaching (clocks go back this Sunday morning, November 1, 2009 at 2:00am), we all need to be a lot more observant when driving home from work or anywhere in the late afternoon. There will be a lot more children around shortly after dark than you are accustomed to, and so please be appropriately observant.
The Lower Mainland has officially entered the rainy season and the darker afternoons and evenings are further complicated by rainy days and dark skies. The roads will be slick so make sure you have good tread on your tires and ensure they are properly inflated. I highly recommend winter tires, especially in a climate like Vancouver's with its excessive rainfall. Normal all-season tires just don't have the rain, snow and slush handling of a winter tire.
Also, it should go without saying but this Saturday (October 31, 2009) later afternoon and evening everyone needs to be especially observant as there will be many extremely young costumed pedestrians, many of whom will not have very much road sense due to inexperience. Please be cautious and patient to ensure a Happy Halloween for everyone!